Thursday, March 27, 2014

Goat's Milk: Why it's a Better Choice

For Adults and Children

What does goat's milk give you that cow's milk doesn't? In many parts of the world, goats milk is preferred to cow's milk. Even in the United States, the goat is gaining popularity. Goats eat less and occupy less grazing space than cows, and in some families the backyard goat supplies milk for family needs. Goat's milk is believed to be more easily digestible and less allergenic than cow's milk.

Pure Goat's Milk Protein Powder is available from Garden of Life. Goatein is an excellent source of complete protein, antibiotic and hormone free and minimally processed. You could use Goatein if you are on a low carbohydrate diet and are looking to supplement with high quality protein. You can also use Goatein if you want an animal protein but have trouble digesting cow's milk protein Goatein is convenient and easy to digest. It contains all eight essential amino acids - protein building blocks crucial to good health . Goatein� goats are not fed pesticides, herbicides, growth hormones, or antibiotics .

Different fatGoats milk contains around ten grams of fat per eight ounces compared to 8 to 9 grams in whole cow's milk, and it's much easier to find lowfat and non-fat varieties of cow's milk than it is to purchase lowfat goats milk. Unlike cow's milk, goat's milk does not contain agglutinin. As a result, the fat globules in goats milk do not cluster together, making them easier to digest. Like cow's milk, goat's milk is low in essential fatty acids, because goats also have EFA-destroying bacteria in their ruminant stomachs. Yet, goat milk is reported to contain more of the essential fatty acids linoleic and arachnodonic acids, in addition to a higher proportion of short-chain and medium-chain fatty acids. These are easier for intestinal enzymes to digest.

Different proteinGoat milk protein forms a softer curd (the term given to the protein clumps that are formed by the action of your stomach acid on the protein), which makes the protein more easily and rapidly digestible. Theoretically, this more rapid transit through the stomach could be an advantage to infants and children who regurgitate cow's milk easily. Goats milk may also have advantages when it comes to allergies. Goat's milk contains only trace amounts of an allergenic casein protein, alpha-S1, found in cow's milk. Goats milk casein is more similar to human milk, yet cow's milk and goat's milk contain similar levels of the other allergenic protein, beta lactoglobulin. Scientific studies have not found a decreased incidence of allergy with goats milk, but here is another situation where mothers' observations and scientific studies are at odds with one another. Some mothers are certain that their child tolerates goat's milk better than cow's milk, and mothers are more sensitive to children's reactions than scientific studies.

Different mineralsAlthough the mineral content of goat's milk and cow's milk is generally similar, goat's milk contains 13 percent more calcium, 25 percent more vitamin B-6, 47 percent more vitamin A, 134 percent more potassium, and three times more niacin. It is also four times higher in copper. Goat's milk also contains 27 percent more of the antioxidant selenium than cow's milk. Cow's milk contains five times as much vitamin B-12 as goat's milk and ten times as much folic acid (12 mcg. in cow's milk versus 1 mcg. for goat's milk per eight ounces with an RDA of 75-100 mcg. for children). The fact that goat's milk contains less than ten percent of the amount of folic acid contained in cow's milk means that it must be fortified with folic acid in order to be adequate as a formula or milk substitute for infants and toddlers, and popular brands of goat's milk may advertise "fortified with folic acid" on the carton.

Benefits of Goat Milk:

It's Fresher

  • Available within 48 hours after milking to ensure the freshest product possible. Freshness is associated with a high level of bioactive components naturally found in unpasteurized milk.
It's Safer

  • There is no antibiotic residues, growth hormones, BST, or other contaminants used on the animals. In addition, the mechanical pasteurization process used for cow's milk releases xanthine oxidase, and enzyme which can create scar damage to the heart and arteries.

  • The goat's milk product must meet the same health standards as pasteurized cow's milk.

  • Goat milk does not contain the complex proteins that are the main stimulants of allergic reactions to cow dairy products.

  • Certain cow milk proteins have properties, which suppresses the immune system. Goat milk does not have these immunosuppressive properties.
It's Easier to Digest

  • Smaller protein molecules and fat molecules with thinner and more fragile membranes in goat's milk allow it to be digested easier than cow's milk.
Lactose Intolerant?

  • Easier digestion allows the lactose to pass through the intestines more rapidly, not giving it time to ferment or cause an osmotic imbalance.

  • Goat's milk also contains 7% less lactose than cow milk.

  • Additionally, most lactose intolerant people have found that they can tolerate goat's milk and goat milk products.
Goat's Milk Soothes the Digestive Tract

  • Goat's milk has long been used and recommended as an aid in the treatment of ulcers due to its more effective acid buffering capacity.

  • Children on goat's milk have been observed to sleep through the night and remain more satisfied between meals.
Goat's Milk is an Alkalinizer of the System

  • Goat's milk has an alkaline pH, so it does not produce acid in the blood or intestinal system.

  • Acidic blood and intestinal pH levels are associated with fatigue, headaches, muscle aches and pains, sore pressure points, excess weight, blood sugar imbalances, and Candida Albicans infections.
Goat's Milk Contains twice the Healthful Medium Chain Fatty Acids

  • Goat's milk contains a higher content of medium chain fatty acids (ie. capric and caprylic acids) which are used to inhibit Candida infections. These medium chain fatty acids are immune and energy enhancing.
Goat's Milk Does not Produce Mucous

  • Goat's milk does not stimulate an immune response as cow's milk does, so there is no mucous formed.
Goat's Milk is a Rich Source of the Trace Mineral Selenium

  • The trace mineral selenium, which is often deficient in the human body, is necessary for its immune modulation and antioxidant properties. It helps control the human immune system and works directly on viruses by preventing reproduction.

  • Goat's milk contains the highest source of selenium of any milk (2.5 time more than powdered infant formulas, 35% more than pasteurized cow milk, and more than human breast milk).
Mother Nature is very Clever

  • Natural milk contains many bioactive components, which serve to retard the growth of harmful organisms, and to protect the health of the person consuming them. Goat's milk contains the same important bioactive components as mother's milk.


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